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Wedding Cakes

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Make your special day even sweeter

Toni knows how to make your special day an event to remember. We would love to discuss design ideas, flavors and fillings to make your cake perfect and uniquely you.


The Design

Whatever your style and taste, from whimsical to elegant, Toni can create a cake to fit your theme.  Designs can be inspired by your wedding invitation, a detail in your dress, flowers, colors, or anything you can dream up.

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The Taste

Depending on the flavors that you enjoy, Toni has a multitude of options. Choose from one of our signature combinations or create a custom cake from our A La Carte Menu above.

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Favors & Sweet Tables

Some brides like other desserts on their special day. With our full-line patisserie, Toni can create a range of favors, sweet table options and other sweets to compliment your cake.


The Experience

We want to make your special day as easy as possible. Toni provides delivery and set-up options as well as stand rentals for all our brides.